Hardcore DVDs only £ 10 - FREE Shipping within UK/Europe
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Robert Poleson
2004-01-30 22:56:51 UTC
Hardcore DVDs - Gay and Straight Titles - ONLY £ 10
FREE Shipping in UK/Europe , Discreet Delivery.
See screenshots of movies on website before you buy.
If I wanted to watch films about concrete I'd buy a video camera and
go to a building site and make my own.
rob at rjp.clara.net
Jon de Souza
2004-01-31 01:15:38 UTC
Hardcore DVDs - Gay and Straight Titles - ONLY £ 10
FREE Shipping in UK/Europe , Discreet Delivery.
See screenshots of movies on website before you buy.
If I wanted to watch films about concrete I'd buy a video camera and
go to a building site and make my own.

Lat's face it Rob, I know you're a video expert but let's face it, you're no
Ben Nunn. Only Nunn could give us the simultaneous concrete laying shot.
It makes me wonder why Demolition Day was cancelled.

